All files are in the Adobe® (.pdf) format for better control viewing and printing the documents. If you do not have the Adobe® reader, you may download it for free here: Adobe® Acrobat Reader.
How to download the files:
RIGHT-mouse click on the desired link (below) and choose "save" or "save target as." Then choose a location on your hard drive to save the file to. It does not matter where you put it as long as you remember where it is. After the download is complete, you can open it (remembering where you saved it) using the appropriate program.
Board Game Rule Downloads:
- Apples to Apples (1,452k)
- Angel Wars (1,193k)
- Babble (115k)
- Blink (English) (719k)
- Blink (Spanish) (850k)
- Guesstures (1,417k)
- Inklings - 2002 version (769k)
- Journeys of Paul Board Game Rules (281k)
- Outburst (836k)
- Scattergories (1,149k)
- Settlers of Canaan (with front and back cover art) (17,151k)
- Settlers of Canaan (w/o cover art to reduce file size) (5,817k)
- Solomon's Temple (3,826k)
- Solomon's Temple (Lite version) (544k) (This is an easier version of the game.)
- Redemption City of Bondage Board Game rules (Published by Talicor, Inc. under license from us in the 90's).
Redemption® Downloads:
- 5th Edition Quick Start Guide
- QR Code Landing Page
- 5th Edition Redemption Rulebook
- Redemption Card Database - a visual database containing all Redemption cards up through The Lineage of Christ (updated 2020).
- Redemption Exegetical Guide - The expanded explanation of the rules (last updated 03/10/25)
- Redemption® Dictionary of Identifiers and References (last updated 03/10/25)
- Deck Building Rules (last updated 10/25/24)
- Redemption All Sets Card List - a sortable excel file listing all Redemption playing cards (Updated 05/2019) (1.43MB)
- Sample Redemption® Game using E & F Starters (28k)
- Sample Redemption® Game using G & H Starters (37k)
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