Wholesale Inquiries

Wholesale Inquiries

2024 Catalog

2025 Winter Price List

Cactus Game Design offers wholesale terms to:

Retail Stores — Businesses that buy at wholesale terms and resell to the public.

— Businesses that buy a distributor terms and resell at wholesale terms to at least 10 retail store accounts.

International Distributors
— International businesses that buy a distributor terms and resell at wholesale terms to at least 10 retail store accounts

Fund Raising groups
— Youth groups, Christian schools, camps, etc. that plan to sell or distribute our products either as a service for their community or as a fund raiser for a NON-PROFIT organization.

To receive selling terms, price list, and account application, please send an e-mail inquiry to cactusrob777@gmail.com

Please be sure to describe what type of account your are applying for – Store, Distributor or Fundraising Group.

Retail Stores have the option of buying directly from Cactus or from one of the following distributors:


US Distributors to Christian book and Gift Stores

Anchor Distributors

30 Hunt Valley Circle

New Kensington, PA 15068

Phone:  800-444-4484

Fax:  724-334-1200


Grace Church Supplies (formerly Walsh Conley Religious Goods)

(Specializing in service to stores in NY and NJ)

63 Chapin Avenue
Merrick, NY 11566
Phone: (516) 422-1122
email: charlie@gracechurchsupplies.com


New Day Christian Distributors
126 Shivel Drive
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Phone:  800-251-3633
Fax: 800-361-2533

Spiritus Distribution
A division of New Day specializing in products for and services to Catholic stores.

Swanson Christian Products

1200 Park Avenue
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

Phone: 615-896-4114

Fax: 615-898-1313



International Distributors to Christian book and Gift Stores

Koorong Books

New Zealand

Soul Distributors

10 Andrew Baxter Drive

Airport Oaks, Auckland

New Zealand

Phone:  +64 9 257 0081

Fax:  +64 9 257 0082